Welcome to the Polkamarkets V2 Documentation!
Learn more about Verified Markets in the Polkamarkets Web Application.
Verified Markets are ultimately markets that are judged as high-quality, ie. well-formed, by the Polkamarkets Community.
A market is verified automatically by the application using an algorithm that takes into account the number of upvotes/downvotes that were given to markets by POLK holders who participate in on-chain market curation.
Itโ€™s important to underline that Verified Markets are not endorsed, recommended, sponsored, or judged as safe by Polkamarkets Labs. Verified Markets do not constitute financial or investment advice. You must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Risk Disclosure before interacting with the web application and the Polkamarkets protocol.

The importance of Verified Markets

Market quality is of the upmost importance to the good functioning of the Polkamarkets Protocol. Being a decentralized protocol, the correct curation of markets in the hands of the community.
To promote a better user experience, the Polkamarkets Web Application only displays โ€œVerified marketsโ€. To see all markets, you must uncheck the โ€œVerifiedโ€ filter.

Verified Markets versus On-Chain Market Curation

The concept of "Verified Markets" only applies to the Polkamarkets Web Application and is not a core part of the protocol. Developers implementing the application and protocol can choose not to use this feature, or to implement equivalent functionality any way they see fit.

How do I get my market to be verified?

To begin with, you should make sure that markets you create conform to the Market Curation Guidelines, and learn more about the on-chain market curation feature and understand how to use the market curation feature in the Polkamarkets Web Application.
Once you have successfully created and upvoted your own market, you can encourage other Polkamarkets users to review and upvote your market. When your market has enough upvotes, the algorithm will pick it up and mark it as verified.
A good place to do this is in the Polkamarkets Discord, where many users hang out and contribute to the good functioning of the Polkamarkets Protocol.