Welcome to the Polkamarkets V2 Documentation!
Learn how to add/remove liquidity from markets, and what impact it has.

How do I add liquidity to a market?

Navigate to the market you wish to add liquidity to and click on Add Liquidity
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The number of liquidity shares you receive depends on the price of the outcomes.
The more one-sided a market is, the fewer LP shares you will receive. Instead of receiving liquidity shares, you will get compensated in outcome tokens - of the most/least probable event when adding/removing liquidity, respectively.
Select the amount you wish to add to liquidity and confirm the transaction.

How do I remove liquidity from a market?

Navigate to the market you wish to remove liquidity from and click on Remove Liquidity
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Similar to when adding liquidity, the number of liquidity shares you receive depends on the price of the outcomes. You will also claim your share of the fees collected from the liquidity pool when removing liquidity.
Select the amount you wish to add/remove liquidity and confirm the transaction.