Welcome to the Polkamarkets V2 Documentation!
To fuel the growth and ensure the stability of the Polkamarkets Protocol, Polkamarkets Labs acts on three major fronts:
  1. Technology: continuous development of new features and ensuring the safety of the smart contracts.
  1. Partnerships and third-party adoption: work with other companies and projects wishing to integrate or build upon the Polkamarkets Protocol tech suite to foster adoption and growth.
  1. Incentives: reward activity on the Protocol and/or provide grants and bounties to individuals and third-party organisations contributing significantly to the Protocol.
We invite you to contribute to the development of the Polkamarkets Protocol ecosystem by joining the Polkamarkets Discord Server to discuss with other community members and the Polkamarkets Labs team, or by contacting the Polkamarkets Labs team directly.


The current Protocol Incentives and Weekly Prizes program rewards the most active and impactful protocol users weekly with $POLK tokens.

Partnerships and third-party adoption

Polkamarkets Labs continuously works with the industry to foster the growth of the Protocol. Here are some of the work streams:
  • Identifying and partnering with third-party development teams who provide technology that can improve the Protocol's functionality (see the existing Partner list on polkamarkets.com)
  • Integration of the Polkamarkets Protocol in other interfaces (UI/UX)
  • Decentralise the development of the open-source repositories
  • Creation of a Partners Group for $POLK to ensure the Stability of the Polkamarkets Protocol long term


To learn more about the work that is done and planned on the technology side, please consult the Polkamarkets Labs Development Roadmap, which details the previously released and upcoming features.