Welcome to the Polkamarkets V2 Documentation!

On-Chain Market Curation

Market curation helps distinguish high-quality prediction markets from lower-quality markets. As with all other features of the Polkamarkets Protocol, market curation is a decentralized, on-chain, process.
POLK holders are able to upvote or downvote markets, providing a signal on the perceived quality of the markets to other individuals and to dapps using the protocol.
Voting happens on-chain, which means that participants will pay a small gas fee to the network to execute the transaction. Once the transaction is confirmed, the upvote or downvote will be registered on the blockchain and will be readable by other participants and dapps.
The market curation feature is available directly in the Polkamarkets Web Application. POLK holders can click the upvote/downvote arrows in the market list to provide their feedback on the quality or relevance of a prediction market.
Alternatively, POLK holders can use other blockchain clients, such as Moonscan, to interact directly with the smart contract, on Moonriver and/or Moonbeam, to cast their vote on the quality of the markets and/or to retrieve the number of upvotes and downvotes for all markets.
If you wish to participate in market curation, we encourage you to learn and follow the Market Curation Guidelines.

Market Curation Guidelines

What you should consider before upvoting or downvoting a prediction market.
We encourage POLK holders that wish to participate in market curation to consider the following guidelines to determine whether to upvote or downvote a prediction market.
Prediction markets that meet all these criteria should be upvoted:
  1. The question is written in fluent English, with no typos;
  1. The outcomes are clear and realistic;
  1. The market is well-categorized;
  1. The marketโ€™s description provides clear criteria for resolution;
  1. The market has a bona fide resolution source URL;
  1. The marketโ€™s closing date is realistic;
  1. The market is illustrated by a picture or image that accurately represents the nature of the market;
  1. The market has liquidity;
  1. The market is not a duplicate.
Conversely, prediction markets that do not meet all of these criteria should be downvoted.
We invite the Polkamarkets Community to continue to provide input towards improving these guidelines and other aspects of the Polkamarkets Protocol. Join the conversation on the Polkamarkets Discord server.